What to Think About When Thinking About Invisalign

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Millions of people around the world — including countless Canadians — have solved their crooked teeth without undergoing orthodontic treatment with traditional metal and wire braces. What was their solution? Invisalign.

Traditional braces are glaringly and even embarrassingly obvious. Invisalign’s aligners are made of clear thermoplastic that is nearly invisible to outside observers. Traditional braces will be in place for up to five years. Patients can remove Invisalign’s aligners to eat, brush their teeth, and even participate in sports. For patients looking for a faster and more discrete solution for crooked teeth — especially adults tired of crooked teeth but who don’t want to look like teenagers — Invisalign in Saskatoon offers a sophisticated solution.

Who is a good candidate for Invisalign?

A dentist in Saskatoon will assess your teeth, jaw, and oral health to determine if Invisalign is an appropriate solution for alignment issues affecting your teeth. If straightening your teeth with Invisalign is not an appropriate solution, the dentist may be able to identify other options. Whether any treatment is suitable for any particular patient depends on the individual situation, but here are three groups of people who often opt for and benefit from Invisalign.

● Mature teenagers and adults with mildly misaligned teeth. For young patients or anyone with significant overbite, underbite, or misalignment problems, traditional braces may offer the best solution

● Older teenagers and adults — especially working professionals — who want to undergo orthodontic treatment in the most discreet way possible

● Adults who had orthodontic work with traditional braces as children and whose teeth later shifted out of alignment.

How to maximize the chance of success with Invisalign

One of the most attractive benefits of Invisalign treatment compared to traditional braces is that each aligner in the custom-made series to gradually move your teeth is removable. You’ll remove the aligners every time you eat, but should resist any temptation to take or leave them out often or for long.

Invisalign in Saskatoon is most successful when patients wear their aligners for 20 to 22 hours every day. Maintaining that commitment will help you achieve your desired results much faster than with traditional braces, usually within 12 to 18 months. Leaving your aligners out for more than two to four hours daily will prolong the total length of treatment.

If you have questions about Invisalign, reach out to a dentist in Saskatoon and ask. They’ll provide all the information they can, and are available to assess you to decide if Invisalign is a good fit. Having said that, here is some feedback received directly from Invisalign patients that you might not think of.

● At the beginning of your treatment, the aligners provided by Invisalign will feel tight. They may feel uncomfortable for the first few days, but will become more comfortable with time

● Some Invisalign wearers develop a lisp when first wearing their aligners
● Invisible as they are, aligners can be stained by coffee, tea, and red wine. So can teeth for that matter. Cleaning the aligners every time you remove them is essential

● You’ll switch aligners every two weeks to gradually move your teeth into their final position, then wear a retainer after completing the series

● The need to remove your aligners every time you eat, and to clean time before putting them back in, has reduced the amount some patients eat and even resulted in some weight loss

● Keep a travel brush with you all the time so you can brush your teeth regularly.

If you are curious about Invisalign as a possible solution to your misaligned teeth, reach out to a dentist in Saskatoon to schedule a consultation and assessment.