Dental Blog

woman smiling after root canal treatment

How Long Does Discomfort Last Following Root Canal Retreatment?

Root canals are effective dental treatments, but some pain is expected once your appointment ends. Deep cleaning inside the canals of your tooth during a root canal procedure can hurt the nearby nerves and tissues. After a root canal, any discomfort should subside quickly, with any other symptoms fading after a few days. If it […]

woman is happy after having dentures

Can Dental Implants Be Removed and Replaced with The Dentures?

Dental implants have transformed dentistry by offering an enduring and dependable way of restoring missing teeth. However, there can be circumstances where people with dental implants consider having them removed and choosing dentures instead. Can dental implants be taken out and replaced with dentures? This concern arises for various reasons, including personal choices, evolving dental […]

woman wearing Invisalign

What Happens If You Don’t Wear Invisalign for Whole 24 Hours?

When compared to traditional braces, one of Invisalign’s biggest advantages is that you can take off your aligners. It makes it simpler for patients to maintain proper oral hygiene and allows them to enjoy food without limitations. What transpires, though, if you neglect to reinstall your Invisalign? Or perhaps you’re thinking of skipping a day […]

dentist explaining about dentures

What is the Average Age Of People To Get Dentures?

The wonders of contemporary dentistry are dentures. They serve as tooth replacements and aid in correcting different dental irregularities brought on by periodontal diseases, face trauma, and tooth decay. If you are over 40, getting dentures in Saskatoon might be more suitable for you. 33.6% of individuals in the 40–64 age range do not experience tooth […]

woman getting the orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic Treatment: How It is Important to Your Overall Health

It can be challenging to maintain your dental health if your teeth are overcrowded, crooked, or misaligned because this can lead to uneven wear and tear on the teeth and make them more challenging to keep clean. When weak areas in the enamel develop, food bacteria and plaque can accumulate, increasing the risk of dental […]

women smiling after wearing braces form our dental office

Braces: Four Myths

There is a wealth of accurate, beneficial information available about braces, but there is also a wealth of untrue, damaging information that may deter some. We’re here to dispel some myths you may have heard about orthodontic treatment, specifically braces because the reality is that there’s nothing to be afraid of, intimidated by, or unnatural […]

Our dentist explaining facts about dental implants

Facts About Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular and effective way of restoring oral health and replacing gaps in your smile. This service can offer a long-lasting, realistic replacement that feels and works like your teeth, whether you are missing one or several. What are Dental Implants? Small titanium posts called implants are inserted into the jawbone surgically. […]

patient taking dental implants treatment

A Comprehensive Overview of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a more popular option for people who are missing teeth or want to whiten their smile. They are a strong, long-lasting alternative that can boost oral health and help you regain confidence. If you’ve been searching the web for “dental Implants near me,” read this blog to learn everything you need about […]